Is it Safe to Live in Alanya Turkey

Alanya is simply a paradise on Earth with its climate,sun&sea,local people and history dating back to 13 th century.
There are people from 122 nationalities living in Alanya with peace and harmony.
The population of Alanya is around 400.000 and size of the town is 1.598,51 km²
Alanya is one of the most popular touristic town of Turkiye,part of Antalya city.
In the season the population is exceeding 1 million with the tourists coming from all over Europe,England,Russia and
other countries.
If you are considering to settle in Alanya,here are some advices from us :
1-) Local Safety Conditions
Let’s start with basic information of security of Alanya; there are 2 major law enforcement.They are the Police and Jandarma
Police works only in Alanya City making sure the town is safe for local residents and tourists.
Jandarma works in the districts and villages of Alanya.They are connceted to Ministry of Internal Affairs as well.
There is also Zabita controlling the shops,restaurants and cafes making sure the order of Alanya.
Alanya is a very clean and organised town;Zabita works to keep up that level.
Here are some essential emergency number which you may need:
Police and Jandarma : 155
Ambulance Emergency Number : 112
Zabita : 4448207
2-) Communication – Getting a Turkish Sim Card
There are 3 mobile operators in Turkiye : Turk Telekom,Turkcell and Vodafone.They all have two kind of abonnements; annual and touristic.
To get an annual package abonnement,you need to have residence permit ( ikamet ),however you can easily get touristic line ( pre-paid ) from
any operator.
3-) Staying Informed
After you buy a property in Alanya,you need a few addresses where you can get the news of Alanya.There are many online news channels in Alanya
such as Haber Alanya,Yeni Alanya and Alanya Postasi.
You can get local news of Alanya from Instagram and Telegram as well.
4-) Connecting to Expat Communities
Being member of expat communities is one of the best way to get practical advice.Remember that there are thousands of expats already living in Alanya
with big experience.Simply get engaged with a few groups and ask your questions;they would love to answer all your questions.
You can find these groups on Facebook,the name of the biggest Expat Community on Facebook is Alanya Expats Social Group with its 13.774 members.
Alanya is a very safe place to live in with its clean environment,friendly locals,rich history and easy lifestyle.
Please feel yourself free to contact us if you are planning to buy a property in Alanya and settle in this Paradise to become our neighbour.
We will gladly help you to feel comfortable and live happily.We have more than 1.300 apartments and villas for sale in Alanya in our Listings and
we are ready to assist you finding the dream home in Alanya.