Real Estate

Decreasing Prices of Properties in Alanya Turkey

Zníženie cien nehnuteľností v Alanyi Turecko

Dear Alanya Real Estate Guests As you all know there is 67% inflation in Turkiye and Euro/Usd/GBP currencies are rising… Čítaj viac

5 months ago

Čo treba zvážiť pred nasťahovaním sa do bytu

You have bought your dream house and are making plans to move. There are many points to consider before settling… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

Čo treba zvážiť pri kúpe a sťahovaní bývania?

One of the most important decisions people make in life is undoubtedly the decision to own a house. You have… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

Naša vízia

Our vision ; To be a corporate company that is taken as an example, complies with the law and is… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

NASA misia

Our Mission ; To make you a real estate owner with its contemporary breakthroughs, far from the classical real estate… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

Vlastnosti Alanye

Mountains and Streams The north of Alanya is surrounded by coastal ranges consisting of hills and plateaus, the heights of… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

O Alanyi

Alanya Geographical Location and Structure Alanya is 135 km from the city center within the borders of Antalya Province. away… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

Budovy šetrné k životnému prostrediu šetria energiu

Environmentally friendly buildings save energy Green buildings are both environmentally and economically friendly… It was said that if the urban… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

Prečo realitní makléri potrebujú kanceláriu?

Thanks to the developing technology, real estate consultants can also work outside the office. It is not necessary to be… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

Alanya v detailoch

Alanya in details When the pirate domination ended with the Corakesion War, which resulted in the victory of the Roman… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

Our Cultural And Natural Heritage Alanya

Our cultural and natural heritage Alanya The name of Alanya, which was called Alaiye until the Republic, was changed by… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

Global Housing Prices Are Falling

Global housing prices are falling The global housing market, which swelled during the pandemic period, started to decline due to… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

Čo je stavebné povolenie a prečo je potrebné?

What is a Building Permit and Why is it Necessary? Legally, there are permits for the construction and structuring of… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

Chcem predať svoj dom. Čo mám urobiť ako prvé?

I want to sell my house. What should I do first? Having an appraisal (audit) will give you the real… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

Čo je to nehnuteľnosť?

What is Real Estate? Real estate is the branch of profession that is entitled to commission by mediating the sale… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

Increase in Rental Housing Demand in Summer

Increase in Rental Housing Demand in Summer Every year, with the arrival of summer, there is an increase in demand… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

Real Estate Sector in Turkey

Real Estate Sector in Turkey For Turkey, one of Europe's most promising real estate markets, the phrase “location, location, location”,… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

What Does a Real Estate Consultant Do?

What Does a Real Estate Consultant Do? The job description of the real estate consultant, who provides services in the… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

Things to Consider and Know When Buying a House

Things to Consider and Know When Buying a House Buying a home is a big and important investment. Therefore, you… Čítaj viac

2 years ago

Investícia do komerčných nehnuteľností v stredomorskom regióne

Commercial Real Estate Investment in the Mediterranean Region Commercial real estate investment is a type of investment with a much… Čítaj viac

2 years ago