Tips for Realtors to Know

Tips For Realtors To Know
Tips For Realtors To Know

Tips for Realtors to Know

What a good Realtor should know:
• Real estate can be difficult and takes a long time to liquidate: The biggest disadvantage of the real estate market compared to the securities markets is that it takes a long time to liquidate. This is the first important rule you should know when making a real estate investment.
• Bad tenant annoys people: If you can’t find a good tenant when you buy real estate for rental income, you have made a bad investment. When you buy a real estate for income and encounter a bad tenant, the only solution is to sell your real estate and get rid of it.
• Earthquake, the biggest enemy of real estate: Residences and workplaces in buildings built according to earthquake regulations do not lose value after an earthquake. It even rises a little… But housing and workplaces that are not of this quality can lose a lot of value.
• Stay away from cemeteries: If you want a real estate to make a premium in the medium and long term, do not buy real estate near cemeteries.
• Prisons are a repulsive income: Prisons can likewise prevent real estate in a region from making a premium.
• Prioritize the regions that will develop first and rapidly: If you are buying real estate considering the potential of the premium and there are a few regions as an option, give priority to the regions that will develop first and rapidly.
• Social facilities increase the premium: Shopping malls, hospitals, universities, district governorships and municipal buildings to be built in a region contribute significantly to the increase in real estate prices in that region.
• Pay attention to zoning: If you are determined to evaluate your investment as a land, if you believe that the land is the best among real estate investment tools, if you do not have political power, definitely buy from a region where zoning problems have been resolved.
• Get what you know from the regions: When buying real estate, your priority should be the neighborhood or district you live in. If that doesn’t work, get them from a region you know of.
• Decide whether it is rental income or premium potential: In general, premium potential is considered when purchasing investment property in Turkey. On the other hand, the priority of foreigners when investing in real estate is rental income.
• Prices will always rise: When we look at Turkey in general, the direction of real estate prices will always be upwards in 65 of the 81 provinces that receive immigration. As the rate of urbanization increases and the population increases in the world and in Turkey, the demand for real estate will increase. For this reason, Realtors will be more tired than ever before.

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