Commercial Real Estate Investment in the Mediterranean Region

Commercial Real Estate Investment In The Mediterranean Region
Commercial Real Estate Investment In The Mediterranean Region

Commercial Real Estate Investment in the Mediterranean Region

Commercial real estate investment is a type of investment with a much higher return than residences. You can double your income with the right real estate investment in the right region.

In Turkey, the government offers various schemes to encourage new investors establishing companies. Some of the incentives covered by these plans are low interest rate loans, tax breaks or exemptions. You can benefit from these incentives by purchasing a commercial real estate with a high investment value and establishing a company in the ever-sunshine Mediterranean region of Turkey and earn more than the amount you invested.

Commercial Areas Offering Attractive Investment Opportunities in the Mediterranean Region

The most accurate sentence that can be said for all types of real estate is that the location of the real estate affects its value. This region, which takes its name from the Mediterranean Sea, covers 15% of Turkey and spreads over an area of ​​120,000 kilometers. The tourism sector sustains the Mediterranean economy, which is one of the most distinguished regions of Turkey. While touristic areas such as Antalya, Alanya, Side, Kaş are frequented by tourists with their wonderful beaches and holiday facilities, there are also natural beauties such as many ancient cities, caves and waterfalls in the region. As the tourism potential in the region increases, this is reflected in the real estate prices, making the Mediterranean region attractive for real estate investment. The fact that the region where you will make commercial investment is located in the region that combines Asia, Europe and Africa can bring you closer to the most important markets of the world and make you more profitable.

To learn more about commercial buildings that offer attractive investment opportunities in the Mediterranean region, you can take a look at the options in the wide portfolio of Alanya Ortakkuruluş Real Estate and benefit from our professional support at every step of the real estate purchase.

Your Investment Is Safe With Us

As Alanya Ortak Kuruluş Real Estate, we share with you our long years of experience in the real estate and investment sectors. In order to invest in a commercial building that offers significant opportunities with its investment value in the Mediterranean region, which draws attention with its production areas as well as Turkey’s touristic potential, all you have to do is contact us and examine the options in our extensive portfolio. Our expert portfolio and sales team are ready to offer all the support to ensure you make the most appropriate investment for your budget. The investment opportunity of your life is waiting for you at Alanya Ortak Kuruluş Real Estate.

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